
Australia's birth rate increases for first time in five years

​Australia's birth rate has risen for the first time in five years, according to research from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW).


Controversial secrecy law takes effect in Japan

​Japan's controversial Special Secrecy Law took effect on Wednesday, with 55 categories of information over diplomacy, defense, anti-terrorism and counterespionage being defined as state secrets, amid strong public opposition.


Obesity shorten life expectancy by up to 8 years

Obesity has the potential to reduce life expectancy by up to eight years and cut healthy life by 19 years, as a result of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, new research published in the British medical journal The Lancet suggests.


U.S. economy turning corner, but millions remain jobless

A number of metrics indicate the U.S. economy is slowly but surely digging itself out of the dark abyss created by the worst recession in decades, but the jobless rate remains high, with millions still out of work and millions more underemployed.


Egypt court jails Morsi loyalists for 25 years

​An Egyptian court on Wednesday sentenced 25 supporters of former Islamist President Mohamed Morsi in absentia to 25 years, three others to ten years and seven others to three years over belonging to the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group and inciting anti-government violence, state-run Ahram news website reported.


Scientists unveil secrets of insect evolution

Using genetic analysis, scientists have been able to conclusively establish that insects originated about 480 million years ago, and that they developed the ability to fly some 80 million years later, the Commonwealth of Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) said on Friday.


Taiwan tycoon faces 30 years for food scandal

Prosecutors in Taiwan's Changhua county on Thursday filed charges of fraud and breaches of food safety regulations against Wei Ying-chung.


Popular mosquito catcher in Japan uses human odor as bait

A novel mosquito trap that lures its prey using human scent and other smells favored by the critter is creating a buzz as Japan frets about the spread of dengue fever, the Asahi Shimbun reported Thursday.


Australian birth rate lowest since 2006

Australia's birth rate has continued to fall, reaching its lowest point since 2006, according to figures released on Friday by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).


Brazilian presidential candidate pledges universal preschool access

Brazilian presidential candidate Aecio Neves on Tuesday promised to provide universal access to preschool education and daycare if elected.


Australian scientists reveal 'unprecedented' sea level rise over past 150 years

Australian scientists have made the alarming discovery that sea levels have risen more in the past century than at any other comparable period in the past 6,000 years.


Slovaks change eating habits, use less potatoes, more pasta

The eating habits of Slovaks have changed considerably over the past 20 years, with an average Slovak now eating half the amount of potatoes than in 1993.


Singaporean university develops ultra-fast batteries

Scientists at Singapore's Nanyang Technology University (NTU) said on Monday that they have developed ultra-fast charging batteries that can be recharged up to 70 percent in only two minutes.


U.S.-led coalition pack up to leave, but terrorism likely to haunt Afghans

​Exactly 13 years on from the U.S.- led military coalition' invasion on the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, the Afghans are still suffering at the hands of Taliban militants and will likely suffer in the years ahead, Afghans from all walks of life including public opinion leaders believe.


Fiji begins journey of new democracy: president

​Fiji's 2014 parliament sitting, the first ever in at least eight years, opened Tuesday, a move seen by Fijian President Ratu Epeli Nailatikau as the beginning of a journey of new democracy for the South Pacific island nation.


Three Venezuelans sentenced for murdering former beauty queen

Three Venezuelans on Tuesday were sentenced to 24 years and 26 years in prison for murdering former Venezuelan beauty queen and her ex-husband.


Kiwi economic growth to slow next year: forecast

Kiwi economic growth to slow next year: forecast