
Watch SpaceX launch the last of its original Dragon spacecraft to resupply the ISS tonight

SpaceX is launching its 20th resupply mission the International Space Station tonight, but this one has a bittersweet twist: It’s the last such mission that will use the first iteration of the


COVID-19 less severe than SARS, but more contagious: Chinese expert

The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) usually causes less severe symptoms than the SARS virus, but is more easily transmitted, a Chinese expert said Wednesday. The mortality rate of COVID-19 in H


Expert says information sharing helpful in knowing COVID-19

09:30 A mechanism of sharing knowledge and experience is very helpful for understanding the COVID-19, said a Chinese expert on Wednesday.Li Haichao, vice president and director of Depa


Chinese medical team in Iran sets excellent example of experience sharing: WHO expert

Chinese medical team in Iran sets "an excellent example of 'peer to peer' experience sharing," a World Health Organization (WHO) senior expert said here on Tuesday. At


Qatar calls off defense event over COVID-19

Qatar on Tuesday cancelled a defense exhibition scheduled for this month as the COVID-19 is spreading throughout the Gulf and Middle East. The Doha International Marit


Israeli NGO Petitions to Block Netanyahu From Forming Government Amid Corruption Trial

The Movement for Quality Government has petitioned Israel’s High Court of Justice, arguing that Israeli Prime Minister should be barred from forming a government as he


UK PM highlights China's speedy post of information about coronavirus outbreak

British Prime Minster Boris Johnson leaves 10 Downing Street for Prime Minister's Questions, in London, Britain, Feb. 26, 2020.(Photo by Tim Ireland/Xinhua) "I congratulate the Chinese authorities


Uruguay to advance ties with China: FM

Uruguay's newly-installed government plans to continue to strengthen bilateral and multilateral ties with China, said Ernesto Talvi, the country's new foreign minister, on Monday. The new administrat


Merkel says Turkey's refugee policy "unacceptable"

German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday criticized Turkey's dealing with refugees, saying that it was "unacceptable" that Turkey decided to open its border with the


Chinese wines have great potential in UK: expert

Chinese wines are impressive and have a great potential in Britain, Steven Spurrier, a renowned British wine expert has said. His remarks came during a Chinese wine ma


Egypt's health minister flies to China to convey solidarity against coronavirus

Egyptian Health Minister Hala Zayed departed from Cairo on Sunday evening for the Chinese capital Beijing to convey Egypt's solidarity with China in combating the nove


Confirmed COVID-19 cases rise to 130 in France

Thirty more people have tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 24 hours in France, bringing the total number to 130, Health General Director Jerome Salomon said Sunday. Of those cases, 72 patients


UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson engaged to girlfriend

Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson waves as he leaves Downing Street in London, Britain, February 26, 2020. REUTERS/Toby Melville UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his girlfriend Carrie


U.S. confirms third coronavirus case with unknown origin

The United States on Friday confirmed a third case of the novel coronavirus infection with an unknown origin in Oregon's Washington County.This is the third case of possible "community spread" in the


UN chief calls for intensified efforts to contain COVID-19 without stigmatization

Now is the time for all governments to step up and do everything possible to contain COVID-19 while respecting human rights without stigmatization, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told a press


COVID-19 hits U.S. economy

01:19 As coronavirus cases outside of China increase and spread to more countries, medical officials in the U.S. are warning Americans to be prepared.California recently announced 33 p


US-Taliban Peace Deal Closer Than Ever, Important Step Toward Afghan Peace - NATO

The US-Taliban peace deal is now closer than ever and NATO will continue to support efforts to find a lasting peaceful solution in Afghanistan, NATO Secretary-General J