Produced by the Hangzhou-based Sparkly Key Animation Studio, the animated work tells a story about how the protagonist Luo Feng who wants to be a great martial artist, overcomes difficulties and dange
00:47 Michel Zecler, a black music producer in Paris, was assaulted by several police officers in his studio. At one point the officers threw a tear gas grenade into the studio. Zecler
CGTN V-Studio Picture Designers: Qiao Liang, Zhang ZhijieSenior producer: Wu Haixia
A documentary series on China's fight against poverty amid the COVID-19 epidemic will be aired by the country's state broadcaster starting Aug. 24, said the producer. Made by the Central Newsreel
Filipino artist Leeroy New wears an improvised face mask in his studio in Manila, the Philippines on May 22, 2020. (Xinhua/Rouelle Umali)MANILA, May 23 (Xinhua) -- You might better keep social distanc
A series of books on classical Chinese novels have been published by the People's Literature Publishing House, compiling 54 volumes of 25 classics that represent the hi
Tourists from China and Hong Kong love having their ID photos taken in Korea because of the flattering magic studios here perform in no time.
Disney has finally found a director for its highly-anticipated Mulan remake, with New Zealand filmmaker Niki Caro signing on to take the helm. This news comes just a few months after Ang Lee passed on the project back in October.
The popular Korean action film "Train to Busan" will be remade in English, its distributor said Thursday.
Chinese entertainment conglomerate Wanda's new film studio in China's coastal city of Qingdao is getting ready to host Hollywood film productions.
Jayant Gandhi shares the same surname with that of India's national father, Mahatma Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, who preached non-violence and peace.