
5.8-magnitude quake hits Kuril Islands -- USGS



Diaoyu Islands belong to China despite new Japanese guideline: FM



China slams US, Japan remarks on South China Sea, Taiwan



Copenhagen's Little Mermaid statue doused with paint



South China Sea island begins to supply fresh vegetables

A vegetable production base on the Yongle Islands has begun to provide fresh vegetables to residents of the islands in South China Sea, ending the historical reliance on produce brought in by ships.


South China Sea island begins to supply fresh vegetables

A vegetable production base on the Yongle Islands has begun to provide fresh vegetables to residents of the islands in South China Sea, ending the historical reliance on produce brought in by ships.


Gov't archives show Japan knew all along Xisha, Nansha Islands belong to China

Government archives and historical materials show that Japan admitted both publicly and in government documents in the 1920s and 1930s that the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea belong to China, said Zhu Jianrong, a professor of international relations at Toyo Gakuen University in Tokyo, Japan.


Flight-tests check routes to Nansha airfields

China said on Tuesday it has successfully flight-tested routes to two new airfields on the Nansha Islands in the South China Sea.


Rescue vessel eyed for the Nansha Islands

China is considering deploying an advanced rescue ship that could carry drones and underwater robots to the Nansha Islands this year to help ships in trouble, including foreign vessels.


South China Sea: How We Got to This Stage(IV)

It is worth noting that right before the signing of the DOC, opinions divided about what name to use referring to the disputed areas. Most ASEAN Member States wanted to use the expression of “Spratly Islands”, while having no objection to China using “Nansha Islands”.


South China Sea: How We Got to This Stage(I)

The South China Sea issue has become one of the major irritants in the China-US relations in recent years, over which the public opinion in the two countries are very critical of each other. There are even frictions in the sea between the two navies.


New Zealand FM to discuss aid program with Cook Islands leaders

New Zealand Foreign Minister Murray McCully will be reviewing his government's development aid to the Cook Islands during a visit to the Pacific island nation this week.


China plans civil facilities in Nansha Islands

​China is planning to construct new civil facilities such as lighthouses and radio navigation stations in the Nansha Islands.


China rejects Japanese request to shut down Diaoyu Islands website

China rejected Japanese protest against a website for the Diaoyu Islands on Thursday, saying the Japanese demand to shut down the website is "unreasonable" .


Pacific Islands secure 90 mln USD tuna deal with U.S.

​Pacific Island nations have secured a 90 million U.S. dollar tuna deal with the United States, the Pacific Island Forum fisheries Agency (FFA) said.


Fijian volunteer teachers bound for Marshall Islands

​A group of volunteer Fijian teachers to teach in the Marshall Islands were reminded of their role on Thursday in strengthening relations between the two Pacific neighbors.


U.S. says stance unchanged on Diaoyu Islands

U.S. State Department Spokesperson Jen Psaki said on Thursday that the U.S. stance on the Diaoyu Islands is unchanged.