
World's largest floating windfarm to be built off Scottish coast

Statoil granted seabed lease to develop floating windfarm 15 miles off the coast of Peterhead that is expected to be operational by the end of 2017


Police investigate racism attack against Chinese politician in Scotland

​A young Chinese politician, with sights set on a place in Scotland's Parliament, has resigned from the Scottish Nationalist Party after being subjected to racism by party members.


Chinese Autumn Festival staged in Edinburgh to promote cultural exchanges

A traditional themed ceremony for a Chinese Autumn Festival was held on Saturday at the city center of Scotland's capital to promote the Chinese traditional culture and exchanges between Scotland and China.


Scotland's referendum, if "Yes" vote, could trigger "chain of troubling impacts"

A "Yes" vote in the Sept. 18 referendum on Scotland's independence could trigger "a chain of troubling impacts," analysts say.


Scottish First Minister insists using pound if Scotland votes for independence

​Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond on Tuesday night insisted an independent Scotland could not be prevented from using the pound.


Scottish referendum drawing near, London urges "No" to independence

As Scotland is scheduled to hold an independence referendum on Thursday, London urged and expected Scots to reject it and save the union that lasted for 307 years.


Queen Elizabeth urges Scots to think "carefully" ahead of independence referendum

Queen Elizabeth urges Scots to think "carefully" ahead of independence referendum


Cameron, Major make appeals to save United Kingdom

​British Prime Minister David Cameron and former prime minister John Major on Wednesday made significant interventions in the campaign over the Scottish referendum with newspaper appeals for Scots voters to vote 'no' to independence in the referendum next week.


Cameron appeals to Scotland to stay as centrifugal tendencies up

British Prime Minister David Cameron is making last-ditch efforts to campaign for a "No" vote in Scotland's independence referendum after the latest polls put the "Yes" and "No" sides neck and neck.


British gov't promises more power to Scotland if it stays within union

British Chancellor of Exchequer George Osborne has promised to give Scotland more power if voters there reject independence in the forthcoming referendum.


Live TV debate continues on Scottish independence referendum

​Key members of the Yes and No campaigns for the Scottish independence referendum on Tuesday night engaged in a live TV debate in Edinburgh with the aim of convincing more voters.


British minister urges Scotland to remain in Britain

British Armed Forces Minister Mark Francois said Wednesday that Scotland's role in the British collective security is vital, calling for a "new era" for defense in Scotland as part of Britain, the British Ministry of Defense (MoD) announced Wednesday.


Independent Scotland would not keep pound, EU membership: British official

A senior British government official on Tuesday said Scotland, if independent, would not be part of a currency union with the remaining Britain, and would have to negotiate its entry into the European Union (EU).


Britain warns: no currency union with independent Scotland

British Finance Minister George Osborne Thursday warned Scotland that it would lose pound if it decides to walk away from Britain, refusing to form a currency union with Scotland.


Scotland to hold independence referendum in 2014

Five million Scots will vote in September next year to decide whether they will seek independence and leave the United Kingdom.