
Can Donald Trump win? These battleground regions will decide

With Donald J. Trump pulling even or ahead of Hillary Clinton in a series of recent national polls, the once unthinkable has become at least plausible. But if he is to be elected the 45th president, he must compete on a political map that, for now, looks forbidding.


Duterte a no-show as he is proclaimed Philippine president

Mr Duterte opted to stay in his stronghold in Davao city instead of attending the proclamation held in the capital, Manila.


Governments turn to commercial spyware to intimidate dissidents

In the last five years, Ahmed Mansoor, a human rights activist in the United Arab Emirates, has been jailed and fired from his job, along with having his passport confiscated, his car stolen, his email hacked, his location tracked and his bank account robbed of $140,000


Donald Trump: Illegals treated better than US veterans

Illegal immigrants in the US often get better care than the nation's military veterans, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has said.


Hits and misses in Modi's second-year report card

​As Prime Minister Narendra Modi marks his second year in office today, India's economy is in a sweet spot , his personal approval ratings remain high and a recent win in Assam state elections has re-invigorated his ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Yet analysts say that while there have been hits by Mr Modi and his government, there are also some misses.


Atomic bomb survivors to attend Hiroshima memorial where Obama will lay wreath

Survivors of the American nuclear bombing of Hiroshima will be present when US President Barack Obama lays a wreath at ground zero this week, reports said on Wednesday (May 25).


Abe to meet Obama and Cameron ahead of G7 summit

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will hold bilateral meetings on Wednesday evening (May 25) with US President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron ahead of a summit meeting of the Group of Seven (G-7) nations, a Japanese Foreign Ministry source said.


Duterte's Cabinet picks raise concerns

President-elect Rodrigo Duterte appears to be putting together a Cabinet team in a haphazard way and without a coherent plan, leading to rumblings even from within his circle.


Mexico prepares to counter 'the Trump Emergency’

Vicente Fox, the former president of Mexico, was recently stuck in Mexico City traffic, overcome with frustration — not by the congestion, but by something that was irritating him even more: Donald J. Trump. He grabbed his phone, turned the lens on himself and pressed record.


Obama in Vietnam: Arms and trade deal on agenda as trip begins

The trip comes amid warming ties between the countries as the US seeks to build relations with Pacific allies.


Apple's Tim Cook samples Bollywood, cricket, in bid to woo India

Indian Prime Minister Modi is also courting Apple’s investment and support for his digital program


Myanmar's move to civilian rule 'a remarkable statement'

US Secretary of State John Kerry yesterday hailed Myanmar's transition to a civilian government steered by Ms Aung San Suu Kyi as a "remarkable statement" that furthers the cause of global democracy.


PM Lee Hsien Loong meets Russian President Vladimir Putin, affirms deepening bilateral ties

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong met Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday evening (May 19), on the sidelines of a summit marking 20 years of Asean-Russia ties.


Twitter, Trump's trusty weapon, could backfire

This theory is not exactly bunk. It’s true that Mr. Trump’s Twitter feed, with its staccato cadences and unending exclamation marks, can be irresistible even to his critics.


Warren Buffett and Dan Gilbert unite in bid to acquire Yahoo

Yahoo appears to be making progress in efforts to sell itself, despite some initial skepticism.


Financing 'Angry Birds' film is gamble for Rovio

Finnish company is financing the $73 million film with its own cash instead of licensing characters to a studio