Marine Le Pen has been placed under formal investigation over claims her party illegally claimed millions of euros from the European Parliament, her lawyer has said.
French President Emmanuel Macron has unveiled a gender-balanced cabinet in accordance with an earlier pledge, with 11 of 22 posts taken by women.
Following the French presidential election victory for Emmanuel Macron -- the candidate for a political party positioning itself neither on the left nor the right -- internal quarrels related to political orientation have been accentuated within the traditional parties, a sign of political upheaval and restructuring.
France's Francois Fillon sought to put his presidential campaign back on track on Tuesday after a rebellion against his candidacy fizzled out, but the reluctance of key allies highlighted the difficulties he faces in rallying his camp behind him.
Independent candidate Emmanuel Macron's campaign for the French presidency is gathering momentum, according to two polls published on Monday that showed him closing the gap with far-right leader Marine Le Pen in the first round of voting.
French far-right leader Marine Le Pen on Sunday accused the media of "campaigning hysterically" in favour of Emmanuel Macron, her centrist rival for the presidency, as polls showed him enjoying a jump in support.
French independent candidate Emmanuel Macron would easily beat far-right leader Marine Le Pen in the second round of the country's presidential election in May, two opinion polls showed on Sunday.