
UK's May to find out if she can trigger Brexit without parliament

British Prime Minister Theresa May will learn on Tuesday whether parliament must agree to the triggering of Britain's exit from the European Union, potentially giving lawmakers who oppose her plans a chance to amend or hinder her Brexit vision.


Theresa May unveils modern industrial strategy

​British Prime Minister Theresa May unveiled an industrial strategy to fit the condition of post-Brexit British economy on Monday as she held her first regional cabinet meeting in the northwest of England.


Supreme Court set for landmark Brexit ruling

The British government's Brexit plan will be put to the test on Tuesday with a landmark court ruling on whether it has the right to kick-start the country's EU departure without parliamentary approval.


British PM Theresa May accused of seeking "bargain basement Brexit"

British Prime Minister Theresa May was accused by opposition lawmakers on Wednesday (Jan 18) of pursuing a "bargain basement Brexit" following her threat to undercut the EU economically if it did not get a new trade deal.


Northern Ireland political crisis could delay May's Brexit plans - lawyer

Britain's plan to trigger Brexit talks by the end of March could be delayed by a political crisis in Northern Ireland if the British Supreme Court rules that Belfast's regional assembly must approve an EU exit, a lawyer for a Brexit challenger said.


British PM Theresa May says wrong to say hard Brexit is inevitable

British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Monday (Jan 9) it was wrong to say a "hard Brexit" was inevitable, after the sterling fell to a 10-week low following comments intepreted as a signal she would prioritise border controls over EU market access.


Hard Brexit looms after Britain's EU envoy quits

Britain's Brexit plans were in turmoil yesterday after its ambassador to the European Union (EU) quit, blasting "ill-founded arguments and muddled thinking", less than three months before the process is due to start.


Britain's EU envoy abruptly resigns just months before formal Brexit talks

Britain's ambassador to the European Union, who sometimes clashed with London over its approach to Europe, abruptly resigned less than three months before Prime Minister Theresa May is due to trigger formal Brexit negotiations.


May urged to unilaterally agree EU citizens' stay in Britain after Brexit

The leaders of Britain's biggest trade union and business organisation sent a joint letter on Sunday to British Prime Minister Theresa May, calling for a unilateral move to agree EU migrants' stay in the country after Brexit.


APD Yearender: Delivery of Brexit is counting on her

In the next few days, APD would like to take you through the turbulent 2016. We will be presenting stories of a wide range of people – some of them are big shots who have driven major shifts in world order, and others are ordinary folks whose lives have been changed by the dramatic events that occurred this year.


EP president urges EU leaders to fight for Europe

In his final address to a European Council meeting as president of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz urged European leaders on Thursday to "have the courage to fight for Europe" as the European Union (EU) faces unprecedented existential challenges.


British MPs back government's Brexit timetable

​British Prime Minister Theresa May won a battle over her Brexit strategy in parliament's House of Commons on Wednesday night.


Brexit deal needed by October 2018, says EU negotiator

Britain must broker its deal to leave the EU by October 2018, the bloc's chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said on Tuesday, warning that time for talks was running out.


Brexit to spark UK slowdown, blow hole in public purse

Brexit will spark an economic slowdown and ravage public finances, forcing a multi-billion-pound spike in state borrowing over the next five years, a gloomy mini-budget revealed Wednesday.


Hammond gives help to UK low earners, focus stays on budget gap

Britain's Chancellor will say on Wednesday that he is raising the minimum wage and taking the edge off a benefits squeeze for low earners, but fixing the public finances will be a bigger priority as the country gets ready for Brexit.


Scots push case for special Brexit deal in Brussels

The Scottish government is pushing for Britain and the European Union to give Scotland special terms in any Brexit deal to keep it closer than England to EU markets, its lead negotiator said in Brussels on Monday.


Britain’s Brexit plan? There is no plan, leaked memo says

Britain has no overall strategy for leaving the European Union and splits in Prime Minister Theresa May’s cabinet could delay a clear negotiating position for six months, according to a memo for the government that was leaked to The Times newspaper.