The data was basically in line with market expectations after an unexpected rise surprised investors in June.
A conference was held in Beijing on Sunday to mark the International Day for Biological Diversity and the 60th anniversary of the initiation of nature reserves in China.
This move recognizes the continuing internationalization of the RMB, facilitated by China's reforms to promote a more market-based economy, the IMF said in a statement.
China's financial system is "largely stable" and foreign exchange reserves are "relatively abundant", the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) said Saturday.
The rise of gold as part of China's international reserves and the central bank recently publishing yuan-denominated external debts are conducive to a stable yuan, analysts said on Monday.
Egypt's foreign currency reserves might slide more as the North African country is set to pay back around two billion U.S dollars of its foreign debts this year, economic experts warned on Wednesday.
Chinese policymaker Zhao Shuanglian has enough reform on his plate already, but still insists a red line be added to national grain reserves as a matter of urgency.
U.S. energy analysts have drawn a rosy picture for one of the country's largest shale areas, predicting more reserves of crude oil.
Australian scientists have discovered huge reserves of freshwater beneath the ocean, with the potential to be tapped as a resource for nations facing a looming global water crisis.
South Korea's foreign currency reserves continued a record-breaking trend last month due to a rise in investment returns, central bank data showed Wednesday.