
S.Korean president's support rate drops after THAAD deployment decision

South Korean President Park Geun-hye' s approval rating posted a double-digit decline in her political home turf following a decision to deploy Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) in its soil.


CPC to hold key plenum in October, focus on Party management

The sixth plenary session of the 18th Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee has been scheduled for October, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee announced after a meeting on Tuesday.


Run CPC strictly with accountability rules

​The Communist Party of China (CPC) has published an internal regulation that holds Party officials accountable for poor leadership.


China to hold Party officials accountable for poor leadership

The Communist Party of China (CPC) on Sunday published a regulation that holds Party officials accountable for poor leadership.


China's anti-corruption battle set to be intensified

This is the fifth in a series of articles China Daily will publish in the next few days looking at the structure, history and influence of the Communist Party of China as it celebrates the 95th anniversary of its foundation.


China innovates Party branches to reeducate members

Being of member of a Communist Party of China (CPC) branch is usually something to brag about, but not in a district of Shandong Province, where new branches have been set up to reexamine and reeducate underperforming or wayward CPC members.


Anti-graft inspections on track to cover all fronts

Following the launch of a new round of inspections targeting 32 state entities on Wednesday, the top anti-graft authority moved one step closer to its goal to cover all fronts in its sweeping anti-corruption campaign.


Japanese PM Shinzo Abe pledges to boost economy as campaign for upper house election begins

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe began an upper house election campaign on Wednesday with a pledge to rev-up the economy as surveys showed his ruling bloc ahead, despite doubts over Abe’s growth recipe and his push to revise the pacifist constitution.


Campaigning for Japan's upper house poll kicks off with economy, Constitution reform on focus

Official campaigning for the July 10 Japanese House of Councillors election kicked off on Wednesday with the ruling coalition that groups the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and Komeito Party contesting with the opposition parties over policies on economy and Constitution amendment.


Japanese political parties' heads debate on key issues ahead of upper house election campaigning

Leaders of Japanese political parties on Tuesday debated on key political and economic issues ahead of the upcoming House of Councillors election slated for July 10, with the ruling camp seeking to gain over two thirds of the seats in the chamber so as to launch a Constitution amendment motion.


Beijing Forum spurs hopes for Six-Party Talks resumption

Diplomats from countries involved in the stalled Six-Party Talks on the Korean nuclear issue are expected to convene at a gathering in Beijing this week.


Japan's Democratic Party election campaign platform vows to block Abe's war moves

​Japan's main opposition Democratic Party on Wednesday pledged to block the controversial revision to a key pacifist clause in the Constitution being pitched by the ruling bloc, as the party set out its campaign platform for the upper house election on July 10.


Tokyo governor urged to quit for misuse political fund, facing no-confidence motion

​Scandal-hit Tokyo Governor Yoichi Masuzoe has been urged to step down in a deliberation at the Tokyo metropolitan assembly on Monday and is facing a no-confidence motion as early as Wednesday due to his misuse of political fund.


Silenced blogger Ren Zhiqiang to speak at environmental forum

Ren Zhiqiang, an influential but controversial blogger whose social media accounts were closed in February for publishing "illegal information," will attend an environmental protection forum in June, the forum's organizer confirmed with the Global Times.


Japanese opposition parties file no-confidence motion against PM Abe's Cabinet

​Four Japanese major opposition parties on Tuesday filed a no-confidence resolution in Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's Cabinet over the possible sales tax hike delay to the lower house, urging the resignation of the prime minister.


South Korea’s Park facing last chance to push through reforms, boost growth

Thwarted in the last parliament, South Korean President Park Geun-hye may be facing her last chance to push through a series of bills aimed at bolstering a flagging economy despite a legislature that will soon be in opposition control.


Japan's citic groups submit 12 mln signatures opposing security law

​Japan's civic groups held a rally here on Thursday, submitting 12 million signatures demanding repeal of a controversial security law to the Diet through opposition parties.