
Bosten Lake dons summer apparel with green marshes in NW China

Monday marks the Summer Solstice and also the beginning of Chinese solar term Xiazhi.Decorated by vivid green reed marshes, the Bosten Lake in northwest China's Xinjian


China's 'mirror of the sky' glows in the twilight in NW China

On Friday, the Caka Salt Lake, located in Ulan County, northwest China's Qinghai Province, unveiled its breathtaking scenery in the twilight of dusk.Caka Salt Lake is d


China-specific snail enjoys winter in S China's Hainan

CGTN's filming crewrecently captured the footage of a snail in Baihualing Scenic Area in Qiongzhong City, south China's Hainan Province. The scientific name of the snai


Beautiful but dangerous lantana in S China's Hainan

The common lantana is one of the most popular ornamental flowers in south China's Hainan Province, which you can find almost on every flower bed by the roadside. The fl


The magic mushroom hidden in Hainan's tropical rainforest

Bawangling tropical rainforest, located in south China's island province Hainan, is always full of surprises for nature lovers. Several young lingzhi mushrooms are foun


Life by the sea: Fish market and fishermen from Puqian Town

Facing the sea on three sides, Puqian Town in Wenchang City, south China's Hainan Province is rich in aquatic products. As a traditional fishing town, people here have


Daidai: An island to free your mind from all troubles

Daidai island has arguably one of the best beaches in Hainan Province, the southernmost province of China.Hainan, known as "the Hawaii of China," is the "it" destinatio


Reporter's vlog: Getting to Wuhan, a city on lockdown

02:32 Wuhan is in Central China, the epicenter for the novel coronavirus that broke out during the winter and spread across the nation.With 9 million people said to sti