Most Americans have more faith in Merkel than Trump: Pew survey

Xinhua News Agency


Despite U.S. President Donald Trump's criticism of his German

counterpart Angela Merkel's performance, a majority of Americans say

that they have more confidence in Merkel as a leader than they do in

Trump, a new Pew Research survey said on Wednesday.

According to the survey, 56 percent of Americans have more confidence

in Merkel, while 46 percent say they have more confidence in Trump.

However, the survey found that there is a sharp partisan divide on

the issue, with 64 percent of Democrats trusting Merkel more than Trump

while 89 percent of Republicans have more faith in Trump.

The survey was published days before Trump and Merkel were reportedly

set to meet on Thursday before the G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany.

Trump and Merkel had a long history of disagreement that was previously focused on the two leaders' view on immigration.

During his campaign and also after winning the presidency, Trump

repeatedly blasted Merkel for making a "catastrophic mistake" with her

open door policy on refugees, while Merkel did not shy away from

criticizing Trump in the wake of his travel ban order that sought to

temporarily ban travellers from seven Muslim-majority countries in


A fter Trump announced his decision to pull the United States out of

the landmark Paris Agreement last month, Merkel became one of the most

vocal critics of Trump's abandonment of the climate treaty.

"We will and must take on this existential challenge," said Merkel in

an address before German parliament on Thursday. "We cannot and will

not wait until every last person in the world can be convinced of

climate change by scientific evidence."