New Zealand releases COVID-19 tracer app to support contact tracing



New Zealand's Ministry of Health formally released the NZ COVID Tracer app on Wednesday to support contact tracing in the country.

Kiwis who download the app will create a digital diary of the places they visit by scanning QR codes displayed at the entrances to business premises, other organizations and public buildings. People can also register their contact information through the app to make sure the National Close Contact Service can get in touch if they need to, according to a ministry statement.

"One of our key public health responses to COVID-19 is to identify, trace and isolate cases and close contacts to prevent further spread. This app will help us do that. The more Kiwis that download and use it the better placed we are to act promptly to keep other New Zealanders safe," Director-General of Health Ashley Bloomfield told a press conference.

Privacy and data security are incredibly important to New Zealanders, Bloomfield said, adding, "That's why NZ COVID Tracer puts you in control of your information."

"Any information you decide to record with the app will be stored securely on your phone and deleted automatically after 31 days. It's your choice whether you share any of this information with contact tracers, and any information you do share will be used only for public health purposes and never for enforcement," he said.

"Like all mobile apps, NZ COVID Tracer will be updated over time as new features are developed. In the next release, NZ COVID Tracer will be able to notify you if you have been at the same location at the same time as someone who has COVID-19 and will allow you to send your digital diary directly to the National Close Contact Service," he said.