Original Content podcast: Apple’s ‘Amazing Stories’ is thoroughly unamazing


It’s been two-and-a-half years since the news first broke that

Steven Spielberg would be rebooting his ’80s anthology series “Amazing Stories”

for Apple’s then-unnamed streaming service.

Now, after some

behind-the-scenes drama

, “Amazing Stories” has launched on Apple TV+, with the first two segments currently available. The first, “The Cellar,” is a time travel romance, while “The Heat” is a combination ghost story/murder mystery/sports drama.

As we explain on the latest episode of

the Original Content podcast

, it’s hard to tell exactly who this show was made for. Both of the episodes aired so far get pretty goofy, as if the show was made for kids — but they also move into surprisingly dark territory. Both start with familiar setups, then take some surprising twists and turns, but the results aren’t very satisfying.

In the end, it was hard for any of us to muster any enthusiasm for watching the show’s remaining three episodes.

You can listen to our full review in the player below,

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And if you’d like to skip ahead, here’s how the episode breaks down:

0:00 Intro

0:44 “Amazing Stories” review

25:50 “Amazing Stories” spoiler discussion