Cards Against Humanity acquires ClickHole, will make employees the majority owners


Cards Against Humanity,

the company behind the card game of the same name

, has acquired the satirical site ClickHole

from G/O Media.

BuzzFeed News broke the story

last night, reporting that ClickHole’s employees will become the majority owners of the site. Cards Against Humanity founder Max Temkin told BuzzFeed that the goal is to give the ClickHole

team “a chance to do their own thing,” with the resources to expand beyond the current five-person team.

“We’re giving them funding, and if they ask us, we’ll be an advisor,” Temkin said.

ClickHole launched in 2014

as part of The Onion, with a focus on parodying the kind of viral content that you’d find on sites like BuzzFeed and Upworthy (it published the greatest diet guide of all time


goodbye, good luck and solidarity to our comrades and garbage sons


! here’s to more employee-owned media models in 2020 ✊

GMG Union (@gmgunion)

February 4, 2020

The Onion was

acquired by Univision

, which then acquired a number of Gawker Media properties

(but not Gawker itself) and rebranded them as the Gizmodo Media Group. Univision sold both organizations off to private equity firm Great Hill Partners last year, giving them yet another name: G/O Media.

Things haven’t gotten noticeably smoother since then, with G/O Media executives shutting down the political site Splinter, followed by

Deadspin editors and writers resigning en masse

after a clash over the direction of the site

, particularly a directive to stick to sports-related content.

We’ve reached out to both G/O Media and Cards Against Humanity for additional comment. Before the news broke yesterday, ClickHole

published a story

declaring, “Our Computer Has Become Infested With Crickets And ClickHole Is Temporarily Going On Standby.”

Deadspin writers quit after being ordered to stick to sports