China, Malta denounce politicization of COVID-19 origin tracing



China and Malta on Friday jointly opposed the politicization of the COVID-19 origin-tracing issue and the stigmatization of the pandemic.

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks with visiting Maltese Foreign Minister Evarist Bartolo in Chengdu, capital of southwest China's Sichuan Province, on Friday.

Stressing origin tracing of the COVID-19 virus is a scientific matter, Wang called for adhering to a scientific and fair attitude and maintain the unity of the international community.

He said that China appreciates Malta's long-term adherence to the one-China principle and its support on issues concerning China's core interests.

China will work with the Maltese side to adhere to the principle of non-interference in internal affairs, continue to treat each other in an objective, fair and friendly manner, and continuously consolidate the political foundation of relations between the two countries, Wang added.

The Chinese foreign minister also noted that China is willing to sign an implementation plan for the joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative with Malta and will support Malta in playing its due role in international and regional affairs.

He urged the two sides to uphold genuine multilateralism, promote the democratization of international relations and oppose the formation of small circles in the name of multilateralism or the promotion of ideological confrontation.

There will always be room for improvement in human rights protection, Wang said, adding that its people shall judge a country's human rights situation.

Wang reiterated that China and Europe are partners, not rivals, hoping the Maltese side will continue to make an objective and rational voice, enhance mutual understanding and trust between China and Europe, and play a constructive role in promoting healthy development of China-Europe relations.

Stressing that virus origin tracing should be based on facts, the Maltese foreign minister said that unity against the pandemic is not an option but a must.

Bartolo offered condolences to China on the severe floods in Henan Province.

He also expressed his expectations for deepening mutual trust, expanding common interests, and boosting cooperation in various fields.