U.S. lawmakers reach deal on new sanctions against Russia, Iran, DPRK



U.S. Republicans and Democrats on Saturday have reached agreement on a bill that would include new sanctions against Russia, Iran and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

The bill could largely limit Trump's power of easing sanctions on Russia, as it gives Congress power to veto any decision made by the president that would "significantly alter" U.S. foreign policy in connection with Russia.

The decisions could include easing sanctions or returning diplomatic properties in Maryland and New York that former U.S. President Barack Obama ordered vacated in December.

The House will vote on the bill on Tuesday and the Senate is likely to take it up after that. The bipartisan agreement could send the new bill to President Donald Trump by the end of the month.

The three countries have "in different ways all threatened their neighbors and actively sought to undermine American interests," House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said in a joint statement released on Saturday.

"A strong sanctions bill such as the one Democrats and Republicans have just agreed to is essential," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said.

The bill came at a time when the Trump administration was under media fire over the Russia scandal.

Last week, e-mails surfaced between Trump's son and a Russian lawyer who allegedly had access to compromising information on then Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

The latest incident added suspicion that the Trump campaign had colluded with Russia during last year's election.