Extremists using pandemic to sow seeds of division across UK: report



Extremists have used divisive, xenophobic and racist narratives during the COVID-19 pandemic to sow division and undermine the social fabric of Britain, an official report revealed Thursday.

The Commission for Countering Extremism (CCE) published a report looking at the way in which extremists have sought to exploit the current pandemic.

The commission concluded in its report that the government needs to ensure its response to dealing with the pandemic and future crises takes into account the significant threat of hateful extremism and the dangerous narratives spread by conspiracy theories.

Extremists have used conspiracy theories and fake news to sow division, the CCE warned, adding investing in counter extremism work and urgently publishing a new strategy is critical as extremists will seek to capitalize on the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 to cause further long-term instability, fear and division in Britain.

Lead Commissioner Sara Khan said: "The pandemic has not discouraged extremists from propagating their hateful ideologies. On the contrary they have, as is always the case in a crisis, fully exploited the lockdown to promote dangerous conspiracy theories and disinformation, most notably online."

"They seek to mainstream extremist narratives in society, for the sole purpose of inciting hatred, violence, public disorder and a breakdown in community cohesion."

Khan said the commission's report has drawn attention to a variety of conspiracy theories that have been spread by groups from the Far Right to the Far Left and Islamists.

"The impact of extremist propaganda and disinformation to our democracy cannot be overstated. These conspiracy theories are harmful, dangerous and are used by extremists to cause division and breed hate," she said.

Khan added: "This is why I have called on policy makers to develop a system to classify dangerous conspiracy theories based on the harm they cause. This will help practitioners and social media platforms better challenge harmful conspiracy theories before they escalate."

The report calls for the national government to work closely with local authorities to understand and develop a strategy to deal with local extremist trends.