Vlog of China's anti-poverty official | From clouds on mountains to clouds online


Zhang Fei, who serves as the first Party secretary of poverty alleviation in Ganjiagou Village, Meixing Town, Xiaojin County, Aba Prefecture, Sichuan Province, found himself going viral on short video platforms since he started to share extraordinary scenes and cuisines of the village three years ago.

More and more netizens order local specialities online, and hundreds of visitors come to the village for enjoying picturesque clouds and nature on the mountains. The incomes of villagers have increased with Zhang' s efforts of poverty reduction through the Internet.

Since 2015, China has appointed young and excellent Party members or former cadres from government departments, organizations and enterprises to help with poverty alleviation of villages -- part of the country's efforts to eliminate absolute poverty by 2020. They are called "the first Party secretaries."


Producers: Hui Xiao Yong, Chen Kaixing, Zhou Liang

Planners: Ren Luo, Qi Huijie, Yang Guoqiang

Supervisors: Ye Hanyong, Huang Qinghua,Cao Jianli

Video Reporters: Yin Heng, Li Mengxin

Editors: Hu Bixia, Zhangxinwen, Lv Yao(intern)