Beijing airport explosion latest


An explosion occurred Saturday evening at the Terminal 3 of the Beijing Capital International Airport.

According to police investigation, a wheelchair-bound man, identified as Ji Zhongxing from east China's Shandong province, set off a home-made explosive device outside the arrivals exit of the Terminal 3 at around 6 p.m..

Ji himself suffered arm injuries and is currently under treatment.

The explosion caused no other injuries.

The device, like fireworks, was detonated after the 34-year-old was stopped from handing out leaflets to get attention to his complaints.

Ji once worked in the southern province of Guangdong and has been petitioning for more than 10 years over alleged unjust treatment which resulted in his paralysis.

According to the airport, the operations at the airport have not been affected as the airport opened new exits for passengers.

Aviation industry experts urged people not to take extreme measures to vent their anger as such moves could disrupt public order.

Police authorities are further investigating the case.