China-pakistan exchanges are sweeter than honey, and the iron and steel friendship will last forever



To celebrate Pakistan's 75th Independence Day, a Pakistani culture and Food Festival was held at the Silk Road International Exchange Center in Langfang, Hebei Province, from Aug 13 to 14.


Pakistani Ambassador to China Haq and his wife were at the scene

August 14 is the independence day of Pakistan. On August 14, 1947, Pakistan declared its independence from the Indian Empire controlled by Britain for a long time and formally separated from British jurisdiction.

Moin Haq, ambassador of Pakistan to China, said that the cultural and food festival will present different elements of Pakistan, including Pakistani culture, food, art, handicrafts, scenery, literature and art, tourism, film, and VR experience.

At the cultural and food festival, there were many people, not only Pakistani friends in China, but also Chinese families. Whether it is precious jade and jewelry, or exquisite Kashmiri scarves, ethnic costumes, as well as precious Urdu books and landscape photos, the audience on the scene will not forget.

Of course, the most popular is the food street in the venue. Pakistan style lamb leg is very popular. Pakistan's domestic dish "curry chicken rice" greatly increases people's appetite. If you are not satisfied, try the traditional food "Pakistan iron" fried soybeans, which will surely give you a completely different taste buds experience.

In addition, the culture and food Festival also arranged a wonderful Pakistani song and dance performance, the artists with their exquisite skills and love of Chinese and Pakistani culture, touched the hearts of the audience.


Chinese dancers Zhang Sisi and Zhao Xiaozhen perform Pakistani dances

It is worth noting that young children are the main visitors to the Pakistan Culture and Food Festival. I look forward to a China-Pakistan friendship that is "higher than mountains, deeper than oceans, sweeter than honey and harder than steel" taking root in the hearts of our children and lasting from generation to generation.

(APD News)