Baby koala found in woman's backpack during traffic stop in Brisbane, Australia



The woman handed over a zipped green canvas bag and said it had a joey inside it that she'd found. She claimed she was looking after it.

The baby koala, thought to be about six months old, was taken to a police station in Brisbane to be looked after.

It'll then be given to an official carer.

The RSPCA in Queensland, where the animal was found, says anyone who finds a koala shouldn't try to hold it.

"Please call our animal emergency hotline on 1300 ANIMAL," said Michael Beatty.

"Often the animal may have no obvious signs of injury but it can have internal injuries that need immediate attention."

An RSPCA ambulance was called to the Brisbane City Watch house to collect the joey - which is protected under Australia's Nature Conservation Act.

The 50-year-old woman arrested by police in Wishart, Brisbane, with the koala was arrested "on outstanding matters".