Hong Kong group launches online petition against foreign interference



A Hong Kong organization on Monday launched an online petition in protest of the interference of U.S.-led foreign forces in China's internal affairs and their threats to impose sanctions against Hong Kong after China's national legislature decided to make Hong Kong national security laws.

The organizer of the campaign, called the United Front Supporting National Security Legislation, urged residents to actively sign the petition to voice their opposition to foreign interference.

Tam Yiu-chung, an initiator of the campaign, said at a press conference on Monday that the legislation is China's internal affair and the interference from the United States and other countries blatantly violated the principle of international laws and the norms of international relations.

External forces do not care about Hong Kong's democracy, freedom and prosperity but just tried to use Hong Kong to contain China's development, Tam said, stressing that such interference will be in vain.

Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee, an initiator of the campaign and the chairwoman of the New People's Party, said that the United States applied double standard in unwarrantedly criticizing China's reasonable action to safeguard the national security while itself had made multiple and stringent national security laws.

The national security legislation will bring prosperity and stability to Hong Kong and benefit the cause of "one country, two systems," she said.

Starry Lee Wai-king, another initiator and the chairwoman of the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong, called on Hong Kong residents to sign the petition to say no to external forces loud and clear.

The online petition will end on June 30.

Nearly 2.93 million Hong Kong residents signed a previous petition organized by the group in support of the national security legislation in an eight-day campaign.