Smokers in England consume less cigarettes daily: study



Smokers in England consume fewer cigarettes per day and fewer of them smoke within an hour of waking up each day, according to a study released on Monday by the University College London (UCL).

The study analysed data from 41,610 smokers in England. The results show that smoker consumed an average of 10.9 cigarettes every day in 2017, a drop from 13.6 in 2008. And the proportion of people who do not smoke every day has gone up from 9.1 percent to 13.4 percent.

However, the team also found that the proportion of people who are trying to cut down how much they smoke has declined from 56.1 percent to 47.9 percent. Meanwhile, the proportion of people who smoke from low paid and manual occupational groups was almost unchanged -- 61.7 percent in 2008 and remained at 61.6 percent in 2017.

"The decline in the proportion of smokers trying to quit or cut down is a worrying trend and may reflect budget cuts on tobacco control, including mass media expenditure and stop smoking services," said lead author Dr Claire Garnett from UCL.

The study has been published in the journal Addiction.