11 killed as van falls into canal in eastern Pakistan



Rescue teams on Sunday retrieved 11 bodies out of the 12 people who went missing after a van carrying them fell into a canal in Khanewal district of Pakistan's east Punjab province, police and rescue teams said.

The van carrying 12 members of the same family fell into the canal after hitting a motorbike coming from the opposite direction at a bridge, police said, adding that the incident happened on Friday night and the rescue work to retrieve the bodies started on Saturday.

The bodies have been shifted to two nearby hospitals from where they will be handed over to relatives after completion of legal formalities, whereas the search for the one missing person in the canal continues.

It took rescue team long to recover the bodies as some of the bodies were swept away with the water current and were found far away from the accident site, the rescue team said.

The killed people including six women, three kids and two men were on their way to meet their relatives in a nearby town.

Divers from state-owned rescue organization Rescue 1122 and volunteers are taking part in the rescue work, police added.