Apple’s iPad Pro Magic Keyboard arrives next week, ahead of schedule


The global supply chain is currently being squeezed from all angles amid a global pandemic. At least one product, however, will arrive ahead of schedule. Originally planned for a May arrival, the iPad Pro’s new trackpad-sporting Magic Keyboard is up for preorder now and

set to start shipping next week


You can read all of the details about the

accessory here

, along with Matthew’s hands-on time with the product via the iPad Pro review

. The gist is basically that Apple’s further blurring the lines between the iPad and MacBook with additional hardware and software productivity updates.

The peripheral harnesses the cursor and mouse support delivered via iPadOS 13.4. The “floating” swiveled design allows for a 130-degree range of via angles, while the backlit keys use the company’s much improved scissor switch design. There’s also an additional USB-C port for charging, but not data.

Along with the new Pro, it also works with the 2018 version. It’s not cheap, however, priced at $200 for the 11-inch and $349 for the 12-inch. Apple is also working with accessory makers to offer lower-priced trackpad-sporting cases.