Food price rise in China New inflation concerns


Food prices - which make up about a third of the weighting in China's consumer price index - have risen further, in 36 major cities across China...

Sparking new fears of inflation, in the world's second largest economy.

By the end of last week, wholesale prices of 18 types of vegetables climbed 5.5 percent week on week.

Wholesale prices of pork - the staple meat in much of China - edged up 1.9 percent from a week ago...

While prices of beef and mutton also rose slightly - by 1.3 percent and 0.6 percent, respectively.

Retail prices of eggs also climbed 0.4 percent - up for the third week straight.

China's CPI grew 2 percent year on year in November, up from a 33-month low of 1.7 percent in October.

Analysts believe inflation accelerated mainly due to rising food prices, as winter sets in...