BREAKING: EU 5G advice stops short of recommending ban on Huawei

By Danny Harries


The European Union has unveiled security guidelines for 5G wireless networks that stop short of banning Huawei, in the latest setback for the U.S. campaign against the Chinese tech company.

The European Commission outlined a set of strategic and technical measures aimed at reducing cybersecurity risks from fifth-generation, or 5G, mobile networks. The recommendations include blocking high-risk equipment suppliers from "critical and sensitive" parts of the network, including the core, which keeps track of data and authenticates smartphones on the network.

No companies were mentioned by name but the term "high-risk" supplier could be a reference to Huawei, the world's top maker of networking equipment such as switches and antennas. The U.S. Department of Commerce blacklisted Huawei last May.

More to follow.

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Source(s): AP