Palestine slams Israeli plan to build 14,000 settlements in East Jerusal



Palestinian national unity government slammed on Friday Israeli government's plan to build 14,000 new settlements in East Jerusalem.

Israel's plan will endanger Palestine and the whole region, government spokesperson Yousef Al-Mahmoud said in a statement.

Al-Mahmoud said Israeli declaration of its settlement construction that has left over 100 Palestinian injured in the past hours, follows U.S. President Donald Trump's move against Jerusalem.

Israeli media reports said that the Israeli Housing Ministry announced a plan to build 14,000 new housing units in several Jewish settlements in East Jerusalem.

The sources said that the plan will be passed by the Israeli cabinet next week.

The new plan came one day after Trump declared his recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of the state of Israel, amidst strong Palestinian opposition.

Jewish settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem are deemed illegal by many world powers and have stalled the peace process.