France expresses regret over Kerry's statements on negotiated solution with al-Assad



French Prime Minister Manuel Valls expressed on Monday regret over U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry' s comments on possible negotiations with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to end years-long bloodshed in the Arab country.

"There will not be a political solution, there will not be a solution for Syria as long as Bashar al-Assad stays, and John Kerry knows it," Valls told the private channel Canal+.

Asked about Kerry remarks over Syria, Valls said France regrets Washington 's change in stance over al-Assad who was "responsible for tens of thousands of deaths," he said.

Earlier in the day, Foreign Ministry's spokesperson Romain Nadal reiterated France's support for a political alternative to end Syrian crisis without negotiating with the Syrian president.

Nadal stressed Paris's objective was to forge a negotiated political settlement between the various Syrian parties including the existing regime and the opposition to form a unity government.

"It is clear that for us, Bashar al-Assad cannot be included within this framework," he said.

A harsh critic of Syrian regime, French President Francois Hollande is the first European leader to acknowledge Syrian opposition as Damascus's only legitimate power. He repeatedly called on al-Assad to step down to pave the way for a democratic government. Enditem