Brazil deploys 4,000 troops to stem crime in Amazon region



Brazil has deployed more than 4,000 soldiers to patrol its northern coast near the jungle border with French Guiana in a bid to stop the trafficking of drugs, weapons and gold, as well as stop other crimes that are rampant in the rainforest region.

A Reuters report says the soldiers navigated Amazon rivers and coastlines in boats and amphibious tanks over two days of patrols in the northern Amazon rainforest states of Pará and Amapá.

Operation Ágata Norte has also involved other government agencies including police and environmental authorities.

The operation began on 22 October and is set to continue into November.

Reuters reports that 146,000 tonnes of manganese, 86 grams of gold and several shipments of undocumented lumber have been seized, with some 3,000 marijuana plants destroyed.