Chinese doctors deliver coronavirus online training for medical staff in Lebanon's refugee camps



The Chinese doctors on Friday delivered online training about coronavirus for medical staff in refugee community clinics and volunteers serving in refugee camps in Lebanon.

The 1.5-hour training session, organized by two Chinese non-profit organizations Peaceland Foundation and Common Future Fund, was hosted by two senior physicians from Shanghai and one who is working on the front line of the anti-coronavirus battle in Wuhan, epicenter of the outbreak in central China's Hubei Province.

The three Chinese doctors gave an overview of COVID-19 symptoms and ways to disinfect public places, treat suspected cases and prevent the spread of the virus in refugee camps.

They also explained the drugs used in traditional Chinese medicine and in the West to ease the symptoms of the disease and increase the chances of healing.

Lebanon's Health Ministry announced on Friday that the number of COVID-19 cases in the country has risen to 163.

So far, refugee camps in Lebanon have not yet witnessed any case of the novel coronavirus.