Winners of China Wildlife Image and Video Competition unveiled



A total of 17 images and videos stood out from more than 37,600 works from across the world at the China Wildlife Image and Video Competition in Beijing on Sunday.

Those works cover a wide range of topics including wildlife, natural conservation areas, and the relationship between humans and nature, presenting a rich and multidimensional view of wildlife and ecological diversity.

The competition was hosted by Chinese National Geography magazine and sought to deepen public understanding and appreciation of wildlife and natural ecosystems while promoting conservation efforts.

This year marks the fifth session of the competition and special awards, such as those for mobile phone photography and popular video-sharing Douyin platform presentation, were introduced to encourage public engagement in nature photography and biodiversity conservation.

The campaign has sparked significant interest, with related Douyin topics accumulating over 120 million views.

Li Shuangke, editor-in-chief of Chinese National Geography, says: "The competition is carving its own unique path. By introducing special awards that cater to contemporary needs and establishing evaluation criteria that harmonize visual beauty with humanistic value, the competition has showcased award-winning works that merit profound contemplation, showcasing its unique philosophy."
