30 pct of students passes high school exam in Cambodia



Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said Monday that an estimated 30 percent of the 93,456 applicants passed their high school graduation exam early this month because the country took strict measures to enhance the quality of education sector.

"Around 30 percent of the candidates passed the national exam this year, much lower than an 84 percent passing rate last year," Hun Sen said during a food security and nutrition conference.

He said the low passing rate was due to the Ministry of Education, in collaboration with the Anti-Corruption Unit, took strict measures to eliminate irregularities during the exam.

The prime minister said students who failed the exam will get their second chance to pass the test on October 13 and 14.

Cambodia had cleaned up the cheat and bribery ridden national exam on August 4 and 5 -- a reform toward strengthening education quality in the impoverished southeast Asian country.

The high school graduation test is a prerequisite for students to pursue their studies in university levels.

The official results of the exam will be announced on August 29 and 30.