Syria welcomes Iran's nuclear deal


Syria on Sunday welcomed the nuclear deal between Iran and the P5+1 group, regarding it as a " historic deal" that would serve the interests of the Iranian people, the Syrian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

 The agreement would usher in ridding the region of mass destruction weapons, the ministry said the statement, adding that the deal would guarantee the interests of the Iranian people and recognize their right in the peaceful use of the nuclear power for peaceful purposes.

 "Concluding this deal is an evidence that the political solution to the region's crisis is the most effective way to guarantee security and stability in the region far from foreign intervention and the threats of the use of force," the statement said.

 Taking a swipe at Israel, whose leaders expressed dismay at the recent deal, the ministry said "Israel will remain the only obstacle preventing the achievement of the disarmament of mass destruction weapons from the Middle East."

 "Syria hails the friendly Iranian people and their wise leadership on this historic achievement that, once again, stresses the important role that Iran is playing to achieve security and stability in the region," the statement concluded.