HK to implement free, quality kindergarten-education policy

Xinhua News Agency


Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying said on Wednesday that a free, quality kindergarten-education policy will be implemented from the 2017-18 school year.

In his annual policy address at the Legislative Council, Leung said the new education policy will provide local non-profit-making kindergartens with a basic subsidy to offer a three-year, quality half-day service for all eligible children.

It is estimated that 70 to 80 percent of the places in half-day kindergartens will become free places.

The government will also provide an additional subsidy for eligible whole-day and long whole-day kindergartens, and revise the planning standards to progressively offer more whole-day places.

In addition, the teacher-pupil ratio will be improved to 1:11 to strengthen support for students with diverse needs, and encourage kindergartens to establish a career ladder, providing competitive remuneration for teachers to attract and retain quality teaching staff.

Other measures include strengthening support for students from needy families, non-Chinese-speaking students and students with diverse learning needs; enhancing parental engagement and education; and improving school premises and facilities.