UK etiquette expert publishes home-working guideline during coronavirus pandemic



People new to home working should ensure high professional standards are upheld despite the more relaxed, remote surroundings, Debrett's, an etiquette and behaviour training company in Britain, has said.

In its first ever guideline to working from home during the novel coronavirus outbreak, Debrett's said top tips include being prepared by making sure home-workers have everything needed, from laptop, cellphone, chargers, and access to shared files and reliable wifi.

Being available is also a rule, ensuring phones are audible and nearby and emails are checked as frequently as they would at work, said Debrett's.

"Adhere to contracted hours...While home-working can offer greater flexibility, it's inconvenient for colleagues if you go absent for a few hours during the day -- even if you plan to work later to make up for it," the guideline suggested.

"While it's tempting to rejoice at the prospect of a commute-free day spent catching up on Netflix in your pajamas (while answering the occasional email), taking advantage of the situation could look unprofessional and affect your longer term career prospect," says Dan Scothern, senior business development manager at Debrett's.

"Work should continue as usual, just in a different setting," added Scothern.

Founded in London in 1769, Debrett's is a professional coaching company, publisher and authority on etiquette and behaviour.