Sudan's govt., armed group sign road-map for negotiations


Sudan's government and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM)/Northern sector led by Abdel-Aziz Al-Hilu signed a road-map for negotiations in Juba on Friday, Sudan's official SUNA news agency reported.

Shams-Eddin Kabashi, the member of Sudan's sovereign council, was reported to sign the road-map on behalf of the government with Secretary-General of the SPLM/Northern sector Amar Amoun Daldoum.

The sincere will and the deep understanding of the nature of Sudan's issues with which the government is negotiating have contributed to this great breakthrough, said Mohamed Al-Hassan Al-Taishi, member of Sudan's sovereign council and spokesman of the government delegation.

The road-map was signed within hours, showing the willingness of the negotiating parties to end the war and establish an advanced and democratic country, he added.

The SPLM/Northern sector spokesman Al-Jak Mahmoud Al-Jak said: "the declaration of principles signed on Friday constitutes a road-map that will govern the negotiations in the future."

According to the reached road-map, the dialogue would continue on Saturday.

The road-map divided the negotiation issues into political, humanitarian and security arrangements files.

Peace talks between the Sudanese government and armed groups from Darfur, South Kordofan and the Blue Nile regions are held in South Sudan's capital Juba.

(Cover: Sudan's new Prime Minister in the transitional government Abdalla Hamdok, speaks during an interview in Khartoum, August 24, 2019. /Reuters Photo)