Hong Kong police arrest 7 rioters over intentional attack



Hong Kong police said on Thursday that seven males were arrested on suspicion of wounding with intent and unlawful assembly on Jan. 19.

The police said that in the afternoon of Jan. 19, some rioters committed violent and illegal acts during a public assembly that took place in Chater Garden in Central where they had assaulted and injured four police officers. The most severely injured officer suffered a fractured skull.

Upon in-depth investigation, the police arrested the seven males, aged between 13 and 34, on Wednesday. The 13-year-old boy was later released on bail, while the others were detained for further investigation.

Given that the youngest arrested person is only 13 years old, the police are very concerned about the law-abiding awareness of young people and how they can be easily persuaded into breaking the law, in the aftermath of recent social events.

The police stressed that it is wrong to assume one can get away with illegal acts in crowded places. The police do not tolerate violent acts and can not condone any messages and actions intended to incite young people to break the law.