​insurance outfit helps aeta community through financial literacy and sports


BY APD writer Melo M. Acuna

MANILA ,Dec.15 – A different kind of bond has been established between Allianz PNB Life Insurance, an international insurance company and an Aeta community in the hinterlands of Porac, Pampanga, through the recently concluded Obstacle Course Racing at the Clark Special Economic Zone.

Business executives from Allianz PNB Life prepares for the Obstacle Course Race with 20 Aetas from a government-run school in the hinterlands of Porac, Pampanga. (Melo M. Acuna)

Allianz has earned a name in European football and other sport events worldwide. However, they opted to sponsor the Allianz Conquer Challenge quite recently.

Twenty Aetas from 16 to 21 years old partnered with 20 Allianz executives and employees at the 10-kilometer race course in a span of less than two hours.

Alexander Grenz, chief operating officer of Allianz PNB Life, said they chose Obstacle Course Racing in the Philippines because it shows the need to develop the younger generation and learn the value of partnership.

“OCR teaches the young the need to overcome obstacles in life and an important way to introduce the company to the young and sports enthusiasts,” he said in an interview. He added he helped his partner, Jacob, now 21 years old, when he suffered from muscle cramps and a bit later during the race, the Grade 12 student from Villa Maria Integrated School helped him too.

He said they have gone to Villa Maria Integrated School and shared information on the necessary for financial literacy.

Villa Maria Integrated School has been adopted by Allianz and has begun extending assistance to both the school and the students.

For Miracle Lansang, 20 years old and another Aeta who will soon graduate from senior high school, he likened his experience at the obstacle course his daily life which involves an hour walk to school hoping to become an enlisted man with the Philippine Air Force.

“If and when I get to be a soldier, I would be able to help my family,” Miracle said. He explained finishing the 10-kilometer course is already an accomplishment.

Alexander Grenz, COO of Allianz PNB Life said the Obstacle Course Racing teaches the young to surmount challenges that come their way. He added his company will assist the Aetas from Porac, Pampanga through their CSR programs. (Melo M. Acuna)

Miracle is one of 150 students enrolled at Villa Maria Integrated School. He said he could only pray for good weather because strong typhoons would reduce their livelihood from edible plants and vegetables.

“When our crops get destroyed, we will not have anything to sell to the market several kilometers away,” he said.

With the Aeta obstacle course participants were their teachers Analyn Evangelista and Sorito Baclay. Both graduated scholars from Catholic-run Siena College in Quezon City and eventually married and began serving the Aeta community in Porac, Pampanga.

Sorito is an Aeta himself who said they returned to their community to help young people finish their senior high school studies.

Asked to describe their village, Analyn and Sorito said they belong to a community of more than 200 families.

Analyn said she cannot understand the Aeta culture at first but admitted it was indeed simple community living with a hundred or so families.

“We are happy to be instrumental in the graduation of 11 Grade 12 students last year with some of them pursuing college studies elsewhere,” Analyn said.

Sorito said they had graduates who married while studying and has begun saving for college studies while they still have to children of their own. He added government’s basic services also reach them, most significantly doctors who do weekly calls on their village.

Mr. Grenz said he looks forward to more community-oriented services in the near future as the Philippines continues to be a promising market for the insurance business.