A 5-year-old dog named Holly knows the power of money. She's built up a stash of dollar bills to keep the "cookies" coming.
Her owner, Casi Cook, said Holly realized very early on that money could buy her treats, or cookies as the Cook family calls them.
"She would take money from us and then we'd chase her around trying to get it back, luring her with cookies. She figured out pretty quickly that money could buy her treats," Cook told ABC News.
Cook calls Holly "sneaky and smart."
The pup has plenty of cash and uses it to "buy" what she wants.
"She'll come up to me and ask for a treat and I'll say, 'OK but you have to give me a dollar' and she'll run, get the money and give it to me," Cook said. "Or we'll be eating dinner and about to finish and she'll come over and drop a dollar in my lap as a way of letting me know she'd like her cookie now."
In addition to the jars of money that the family keeps for Holly, Cook said there are always dollar bills laying around the house.
Cook, who works in a restaurant, said, "I'll come home and be counting my tips and she'll hear it from downstairs and come running. She takes it from our bags, or off counters."
Cook added, "It's odd but it's a lot of fun."