Sri Lanka alleys fears on Tamil Tiger resurgence



By APD writer Easwaran

COLOMBO, Aug. 31 (APD) – Sri Lanka on Thursday allayed fears of a resurgence by the Tamil Tiger rebels after leaflets appeared in the north of the country.

The leaflets claimed that the Tigers, also known as the LTTE, was still in operation and was planning to revive its operations.

However a local Police official told the Asia Pacific Daily it was believed the leaflets were distributed to spread fear and create instability in the country.

The official, who did not wish to be named, said that the security in the North was stable and there was no room for terrorism related activities to take place.

Tamil Tigers was defeated by the Sri Lankan Military in 2009

The LTTE was militarily defeated in May 2009 after 30 years of war in which thousands were killed.

The Tigers were demanding a separate Tamil state in the north and east of the country, a demand successive Sri Lankan governments shot down at peace talks.

LTTE supporters still continue to spread their ideology overseas.