Israel's health minister recovers from COVID-19



Israel's Minister of Health Yaakov Litzman and his wife have recovered from COVID-19, the state's Ministry of Health announced Monday.

"This was a good opportunity for me to become personally aware of the dedicated work of our precious medical teams. I thank everyone who was interested in my health and wished me well," said Litzman.

The minister and his wife were tested positive on April 2 and were treated at home since then, as their condition was mild.

Following Litzman's positive diagnosis, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu entered a seven-day home quarantine after meeting with him several times.

During his quarantine period, Netanyahu was tested negative for the virus.

"I am pleased to see the recovery of Minister Litzman and his wife Chava from the coronavirus disease. We continue to work together to save the lives of Israel's citizens," said Netanyahu.