Audi starts to sell luxury automobiles in Cambodia



German car producer Audi officially opened its sales office in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, on Monday, aiming to tap into the country's rising demand for luxury automobiles.

"We decided to invest in Cambodia because we have observed that the country has been enjoying political stability and strong economic growth," Laurent Genet, chief executive officer of Automotive Asia (Cambodia), which distributes Audi cars in Cambodia, said at the showroom inauguration ceremony.

"More importantly, there is rising demand in luxury cars in this Southeast Asian nation due to the growing number of middle- and high-class families."

A number of the world's top brand cars have entered the Cambodian market in the past few years. Rolls-Royce cars launched its first dealership in Phnom Penh earlier in June.

Other luxury cars presently on sales in Cambodia include Ford, Chevrolet, Range Rover, Toyota, Mercedes-Benz and BMW.

It is estimated that the country's new car demands are around 2, 000 units a year.