APD | Health officials chart priorities for 37 Western Pacific countries


By APD writer Melo M. Acuña

MANILA – Top health officials from various countries in the Western Pacific region gathered today until Friday, October 11 at World Health Organization’s Western Pacific regional office at the heart of this city for the 70th session of its Regional Committee.

The annual meeting will set priorities and approve concerted efforts to protect and promote the health for the region’s 1.9 billion people.

“The Western Pacific Region, a very diverse region where we have the biggest countries in the world and we also have the smallest which spans from Mongolia to the north and New Zealand in the south, the French Polynesia in the East and China to the west. We have one of the most advanced countries in the region and then the fast and developing economies but at the same time, we have small and sparsely populated island states,” said WHO Regional Director for the Western Pacific Dr. Takeshi Kasai, in his remarks before foreign and local media.

He added the regional committee is one of the highest governance bodies, made up of ministers of health and top-ranking officials from 37 countries of about 180 people from member states and about 100 partners including non-government organizations.

Dr. Kasai said he is on his first assignment as regional director and his office submitted papers on possible programs for member states for the next five years. He referred to the regions as one of the most “dynamically changing regions” in the world.

“Obviously, economic development brings health but at the same time, starts to pose some challenges including the widening gap, demographic changes like ageing and the increase in non-communicable diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and obesity,” Dr. Kasai added.

While they at WHO are also concerned about the impact of climate change on health, they are alarmed about health security, particularly antimicrobial resistance. They are also apprehensive of the prevalence of non-communicable diseases together with ageing.

Dr. Kasai said they will also discuss matters on the impact of climate change on health. They would also prioritize the a significant portion of the region’s population which has not been reached by health services and those afflicted by communicable diseases and those with significant maternal and child mortality.

They will also discuss approaches for child protection from the harmful impact of food marketing. Sugary-food is often accessible to children of school-age and too much exposure to sugar may lead to obesity and eventually to diabetes and related illnesses. (Melo M. Acuña)