China's cooperation with world transparent, responsible in curbing novel coronavirus: ambassador



China has been transparent in sharing information and working with the World Health Organization (WHO) and other countries in curbing the spread of the novel coronavirus, Chinese Ambassador Cui Tiankai said here Saturday.

The Chinese ambassador to the United States made the remarks at the annual Forum on U.S.-China Relations organized by the University of California, San Diego.

"We are sharing information and strengthening cooperation with the WHO and other countries in an open, transparent and responsible way," he said.

In addition, he stressed the need for members of the international community to join hands to tackle public health challenges.

Cui said prevention and control of the coronavirus infection is currently China's top priority. "We are doing whatever we can and using whatever means we have to curb the spread of the disease and cure the people affected" with the "shared determination and unity" of everyone involved, from government to medical professionals to the general public.

"China is fully confident and capable to win the battle against the disease," Cui added.

Meanwhile, the ambassador noted that China's efforts go beyond the Chinese people to include regional and global public health and safety.

He said that the fight against the novel coronavirus illustrates the need for countries around the world to work together. History proves that diseases will be defeated and lives saved as long as nations work in solidarity, Cui said.