The Most Popular Long Baby Names



Long baby names have traditionally not been very popular. In the past 100 years, no name longer than seven characters haseverbeen the most popular boy name.

However, there are benefits to giving your child a longer name. Longer baby names, such asElizabeth,MargaretandTheodore, often have multiple nicknames associated with them, allowing children the flexibility to choose the name which best suits them as they grow older.

With this in mind, the experts atMooseRoots, a genealogy research site powered byGraphiq, used data from theSocial Security Administrationto determine the 25 most popular longnamesfor both boys and girls in 2015.

The ranking goes from least popular name to most popular name for each gender, meaning the most popular boy and girl names both take the No. 1 spot. A name's popularity is based on its frequency per million newborn boys or girls in 2015. To make this ranking, a name had to be eight characters long or more.

Since 1989, theaverage lengthof baby names has actually gotten shorter. While the top 100 baby names for boys and girls in 1989 averaged 6.14 characters, the top 100 names from 2015 averaged only 5.87 characters.

Read on to find the best long name for your baby. We only suggest that you don’t make your baby’s name too long – in some states, such as Massachusetts, there is arestrictionon how long your baby’s name can be.