APD | Japan to develop 6G network development strategy


By APD writer Alice

The Japanese government said on January 21 that it will draw up a comprehensive strategy on future 6G wireless communications networks by this summer and set up a panel to discuss the matter later this month.

According to the Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry, the panel will include representatives of the private sector as well as university researchers.

It will discuss technological development, potential utilization methods and policies to exploit 6G ultrafast communications networks that are expected to be launched by 2030.

The panel will hear opinions from a variety of industries in order to study potential challenges. The first session is slated for January 20.

Compared to 5G networks, 6G networks will have faster data transmission speeds, an ability to connect to multiple devices simultaneously on a greater scale. They are also expected to feature extensive security measures and reduced power consumption.

Japan has lagged behind the United States and South Korea in launching 5G commercial services. As some other countries have already started discussions on how to utilize 6G technology, Tokyo just aims to draft the strategy.