Following protests, Indian filmmaker says to reflect reality in Kashmir


Indian filmmaker Vishal Bhardwaj said on Monday his film on Kashmir "will truthfully reflect 25 years of pain and sufferings on screen."

"I agree (with protesting students) that Bollywood has not done justice with Kashmir in its portrayal. I feel pained and ashamed at the same time," Bhardwaj told media in Srinagar, the summer capital of Indian-controlled Kashmir.

The filmmaker addressed the press conference a day after students at Kashmir University staged protests and disrupted the shooting of his upcoming Hindi film titled Hyder.

Bhardawj along with his crew have been shooting the film in restive Indian-controlled Kashmir. The hectic shooting schedule started earlier this month.On Sunday the crew has to face angry protests from students at University campus in Srinagar.

Students and locals had objected to smoking of an actor and unfurling of Indian flag on campus during the shooting of some scene for the film.

Following the commotion, police resorted to baton charging and detained some students.

Bhardwaj regretted the reports of students being detained after the incident.

"It has saddened me," said he. "I plan to premiere the movie at Kashmir University next year for the students. If it is not a truthful movie, I won't return to Kashmir again."

Indian filmmakers are often criticized by locals for their biased portrayal of Kashmir in their works.

The award wining director has adapted Shakespearean literature into major Hindu movies like Omkara (Othello) and Maqbool (Macbeth) . The film Hyder will be an adaptation of another Shakespearean drama Hamlet to be set in Indian-controlled Kashmir.

The Bollywood director said he was making the movie for emotional and not commercial reasons.

"I was influenced by Basharat Peer's book Curfewed Nights. I confronted with new reality through the book. I also watched Jashn- e-Azaadi documentary," he said. "Kashmir is the biggest ever tragedy of the modern times, which is still going on."

Indian film star Shahid Kapoor is playing male protagonist in Hyder and female protagonist is being played by Shrradha Kapoor. Tabu and Irfan Khan are also playing roles in the movie.

Meanwhile, protest demonstrations broke out for the second day in Kashmir University against the film shooting and Sunday's police action.

A statement issued by a banned students group, Kashmir University Students Union, asked Bhardwaj on Monday to tender an unconditional apology in leading newspapers for his role in Sunday 's police action against the students.