Singapore media regulator asks website to register under licensing scheme


Singapore's Media Development Authority has notified owners of a local socio-political commentary website to register under a class licensing scheme, the media regulator said on Wednesday.

The authority said that a website required to register under the Broadcasting (Class Licence) Notification will have to undertake not to receive foreign funding for the provision, management or operation of the website.

It said that the site owners were notified on Tuesday. Bertha Henson, founder of the website, said that it was asked to be registered by Dec. 10.

The authority said that the registration will not in any way affect what Breakfast Network can publish on its site.

"However, the undertaking will prevent the site from being controlled by, or coming under the influence of, foreign entities or funding, thus ensuring that Singapore politics remain a matter for Singaporeans alone," it said in a statement.

The move came after The Independent, another local news website, was asked to register for a similar license in July after the government received information which the authority said "gives it cause for concern over foreign interest to fund The Independent."

Under the Broadcasting (Class Licence) Notification, websites " engaged in the propagation, promotion or discussion of political issues relating to Singapore" will need to register with the authority.

Along with the registration, sites will also have to make a statutory declaration not to receive foreign funding for its provision, management or operation.

Henson said in her post that it would also have to provide a list of all advertisers contributing more than 5 percent of revenue to the site.